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Couverture de Pieces of Us

Pieces of Us

De : T. B. Markinson, Miranda MacLeod
Lu par : Lori Prince
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    The nanny is hot for her boss, but she's been burned falling for a straight woman in the past.

    Julianna Bristol is on the brink of success as her fledgling video game design company goes after the opportunity of a lifetime. But her ex-husband is intent on making her fodder for late-night comedy. When she unexpectedly gains custody of her nine-year-old niece, everything in Julianna's exquisitely planned life changes in the blink of an eye.

    Sadie Culpepper is out of work and drowning in debt. She's as unable to commit professionally as she is romantically. A last-minute nanny gig offers a lifeline, but making it through the summer working for the woman the late-night hosts call Permafrost might take everything she's got.

    Their mutually beneficial business arrangement is threatened as the magnetic pull between them grows stronger with each passing day. Both women are forced to confront their deepest fears and insecurities. Julianna is drawn to the younger Sadie in ways she never imagined possible. And Sadie, scarred by past heartbreak, struggles to trust again, especially with her heart and financial security on the line.

    Will they have the courage to defy convention and seize their chance at happiness? Or will they succumb to the pressures of society, letting go of the one thing that could save them both?
    If you enjoy seductive, taboo, age-gap romance with a lot of heart, don't miss the latest collaboration of Miranda MacLeod and TB Markinson.

    ©2024 T. B. Markinson (P)2024 T. B. Markinson
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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