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  • Phone Flipping as a Side Hustle - From Beginner to Pro

  • A Complete Guide to a Lucrative $250/Day Side Hustle for Dummies, Revealing Industry Secrets & Business Ideas.
  • De : Robert Lemmens
  • Lu par : Logan Foster
  • Durée : 1 h et 36 min

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Phone Flipping as a Side Hustle - From Beginner to Pro

De : Robert Lemmens
Lu par : Logan Foster
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    Phone flipping is buying good deals and selling them with a profit. It is easily accessible to everyone, requires little knowledge and capital, and the return on investment is daily!

    Phone flipping happens everyday, and you can do it everywhere. It can be a side hustle in the beginning, without quitting your day job, but it has the potential to out earn your primary income faster than you imagine possible, and it comes with total freedom and being your own boss.

    As a successful phone flipper you position yourself between the consumer and refurbishment industry, and this audiobook explains and guides you every step of the way. You will learn:

    • Where to find good deals
    • How to determine worth
    • What you can do to increase worth
    • How you can sell for top dollar
    • How to keep inventory low and turnover fast
    • How to increase your working capital without getting a loan
    • How to recognize and avoid common pitfalls and scams

    The audiobook is written with beginners in mind, but should have some "aha moments" for the seasoned phone flippers as well that makes this listen worth their while. And even if you tried phone flipping in the past, or you are skeptical for any other reason, this audiobook might very well change your mind.

    If you are looking for a profitable side hustle idea that you can start today with very little capital, quickly make $250 a day, with the potential to grow into six-figures? Or phone flipping is already your side hustle but you hit a ceiling? Then this audiobook will be the best investment you have ever made! I reveal industry secrets that most pro's prefer to keep to themselves, and with such a detailed blueprint success is just inevitable. Are you ready to flip phones like a pro?

    ©2022 Robert Lemmens (P)2022 Robert Lemmens

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