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Couverture de Philosophical Nonsense & Gunplay

Philosophical Nonsense & Gunplay

De : Gregory Austin
Lu par : Harry Roger Williams III
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    Welcome to the world of Baxidrone-98—street name Baxy.

    Rian Morris, despite his small stature, is one of the best bodyguards in the business. Only problem; nobody will hire him due to a former client being murdered on his watch. Depression, addiction, and the weight of the world come close to ending him, but then he receives a visit from a former colleague.

    This friend offers him a high-risk job protecting one of history’s most controversial authors—Ayn Rand. While this client isn’t the original Ayn, Rian lives in a time after a mysterious drug/procedure brought back some of the greatest—and worst—personas from all corners of the past.

    While the excitement of the job quells Rian’s other addictions, he now has to deal with weightier endeavors. In their travels, Rian, Ayn, and her squad of eccentric Atheist Authors encounter an evil blood cult, devious charitable organizations, the mafia, a bizarre underground city, and hundreds of random lunatics with guns.

    This fun-loving satire is guided by Ayn’s self-serving philosophy known as Objectivism. At first, Rian is all in, hoping to become a captain of industry alongside his employer. However, things go sideways when he realizes following Ayn means turning his back on his family, friends, loved ones, and any of his personal beliefs that deviate from her mad ideology.

    ©2022 Gregory Austin (P)2024 Gregory Austin

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