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  • Philosopher's Mental Models

  • How to Think Like Lao Tzu, Descartes, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Plato, and More (Learning How to Learn, Book 28)
  • De : Peter Hollins
  • Lu par : Russell Newton
  • Durée : 4 h et 7 min

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Philosopher's Mental Models

De : Peter Hollins
Lu par : Russell Newton
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    Learn directly from the world's greatest minds.... sort of.

    Some of these lessons have endured from hundreds of years. Others, for thousands. Come sample time-tested wisdom and how to implement it in your modern life.

    Learn how billionaires/CEOs, Olympic athletes, and scientists think differently and avoid mistakes.

    Philosopher's Mental Models presents an array of amazing and tested mental models to simply process life, analyze your situation, and make the best situation. You know that saying - to a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Well, what if you increased the number of tools that you have? Then you could approach any life situation from multiple angles and get the best outcome, every single time.

    Battle information overwhelm, focus on what really matters, and make complex decisions with speed and confidence.

    Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years. This book represents the scientifically proven methods he has used to become an expert in multiple domains.

    Mental models for all walks of life: productivity, professional success, greater happiness, critical thinking, and decision-making

    .-Descartes' famous superpower of doubt and skepticism

    -How an "evil genius" will open your eyes to different possibilities and conclusions/

    -Finding patterns in life and how they appear right in front of your nose (right now, even)

    -Acting without acting and the action of non-action. Huh? Yup.

    -"Eternal recurrence" and the consequences of your decisions.

    -Why you should do things "just in case"

    -Subtract and eliminate your way to the best decision possible

    -"The map is not the territory"

    -The true nature of regret and why you should embrace it

    ©2024 Peter Hollins (P)2024 Peter Hollins

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