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Couverture de Philo Vance, Detective, Vol. 2

Philo Vance, Detective, Vol. 2

De : Black Eye Entertainment
Lu par : full cast
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    Created by S. S. Van Dine, Philo Vance was quite popular in books, movies, and on radio. He was portrayed as a stylish, very intelligent, and cultured private detective - an Americanized Sherlock Holmes - working out of New York. In the movies, William Powell, Warren William, Paul Lukas, and Basil Rathbone starred as Vance. On radio, he was voiced by Jose Ferrer, John Emery, and Jackson Beck. Not that Vance needed any help solving a crime, he did work closely with his secretary and right-hand woman Ellen Deering, and his pal John Markham, New York County District Attorney.

    First heard for a brief time on NBC radio in 1945-46, Philo Vance, Detective enjoyed success in syndication beginning in 1948 starring Jackson Beck. 

    Sixteen episodes are included in this volume:

    1. 12/28/48 - "The Rhumba Murder Case"
    2. 1/4/49 - "The Magic Murder Case"
    3. 1/25/49 - "The Idol Murder Case"
    4. 2/1/49 - "The Golden Murder Case"
    5. 2/8/49 - "The Flying Murder Case"
    6. 2/15/49 - "The Butler Murder Case"
    7. 2/22/49 - "The Herring Bone Murder Case"
    8. 3/1/49 - "The Listless Murder Case"
    9. 3/8/49 - "The Curtain Call Murder Case"
    10. 3/15/49 - "The Million Dollar Murder Case"
    11. 3/22/49 - "The White Willow Murder Case"
    12. 3/29/49 - "The High-Hat Murder Case"
    13. 11/15/49 - "The Little Murder Case"
    14. 11/22/49 - "The Nightmare Murder Case"
    15. 11/29/49 - "The Thundering Murder Case"
    16. 12/6/49 - "The Birdcage Murder Case"
    ©2019 Black Eye Entertainment (P)2019 Black Eye Entertainment

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