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Couverture de Pheromone


De : C.M. Stunich
Lu par : Patrick Zeller, Brooke Daniels
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    Humans… pets, meat, or mates?

    That's the first thing I see when I open my eyes, that damn sign. Don't fancy myself being sold for any of the above reasons, so I'm relieved when my buyer is killed by an… Um.

    Hot venom and horns and a violent grin.

    What the actual f--k is that?! Or should I say who the actual f--k is he? Because he's definitely male. Definitely big. Definitely exuding pheromones that turn me into a much less rational human being.

    Hi, I'm Eve Wakefield, twenty-five years old, professional caterer, recently abducted by aliens alongside my best friend. I'm also completely and utterly screwed. Lost on a jungle planet. Rooming in a downed spaceship with a dragon dude. Being hunted by a moth man with demon eyes and vampire teeth. Begging for help from a tentacle-tailed fox man who also happens to be… a space cowboy?

    Here's the thing: I desperately want to go back to Earth. But I am not leaving this place without my bestie, Jane Baker. And I can't find her or get us home without the help of three males who just so happen to be ideal romantic matches for yours truly. Yay.

    Three very different men. Three very different lives for me to try out. Three very powerful romances.

    Only one thing matters: finding Jane. Then... then I'll worry about the messy complications of finding myself perma-mated to aliens.

    Yeah, it's a whole thing.

    Pheromone is book one in the For the Love of Aliens trilogy, a why-choose reverse harem alien romance. This story takes us from a wild forest to a sentient spaceship to a cosmic star chapel to a distant water-logged planet. Don't get too comfortable with your surroundings.

    Narrated in duet style.

    ©2023 C.M. Stunich (P)2024 Podium Audio

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