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  • Pharmovation

  • Advocate for Resources, Advance Pharmacy Practice, & Accelerate Your Pharmacy Career
  • De : Kimber Boothe
  • Lu par : Roni Locke
  • Durée : 9 h et 3 min

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De : Kimber Boothe
Lu par : Roni Locke
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    What would your career look like if you had the resources you needed? If you did not have to justify your value or deal with shortages, burnout, and doing more with less? Through Pharmovation, Kimber Boothe, PharmD, MHA, will teach you how to become a successful pharmacy intrapreneur and justify the resources and roles you need. Including nine chapters full of examples and research, Pharmovation is the ultimate guide to advancing pharmacy practice, increasing the influence of pharmacists, and empowering pharmacists to do more with more.

    The chapters themselves are ordered in such a way to support your development. While you’re free to skip around and listen in whatever order you please, there is a method to the madness. In the first half of the book, we’ll explore ways to innovate practice by taking an in-depth look at opportunity, enterprise, strategy, services, and technology. Later on, you’ll be stretched to innovate yourself through leadership, development, and ultimately, the execution of all the knowledge you’ve acquired.

    Briefly, each chapter will help you achieve a specific objective.

    • Mindset: Learn the importance of mindset to your success and how to incorporate it in your Pharmovation journey.
    • Opportunity: Understand why staying aware of the bigger picture is vital. Realize that there is a huge need for pharmacists.
    • Enterprise: Capitalize on the value of the integration and reach of the pharmacy enterprise.
    • Strategy: Know how to justify resources for both small and large needs.
    • Services: Be excited about the needs and opportunities for pharmacists and technicians to be accountable and innovative with their roles.
    • Technology: Be empowered to justify new technology to meet the needs of both you and your patients.
    • Leadership: Practice increased leadership and accountability regardless of your level in the organization.
    • Development: Take ownership of your career and encourage leadership growth by completing a 2-year development plan.
    • Execution: Be confident and able to realize the tools in this book by integrating learning into practice.

    ©2023 Kimber Boothe (P)2023 Kimber Boothe

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