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Couverture de Phallacy


De : Emily Willingham
Lu par : Emily Willingham
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    A wry look at what the astonishing world of animal penises can tell us about how we use our own.

    The fallacy sold to many of us is that the penis signals dominance and power. But this wry and penetrating audiobook reveals that in fact nature did not shape the penis - or the human attached to it - to have the upper...hand.

    Phallacy looks closely at some of nature's more remarkable examples of penises and the many lessons to learn from them. In tracing how we ended up positioning our nondescript penis as a pulsing, awe-inspiring shaft of all masculinity and human dominance, Phallacy also shows what can we do to put that penis back where it belongs.

    Emphasizing our human capacities for impulse control, Phallacy ultimately challenges the toxic message that the penis makes the man and the man can't control himself. With instructive illustrations of unusual genitalia and tales of animal mating rituals that will make you particularly happy you are not a bedbug, Phallacy shows where humans fit on the continuum from fun to fatal phalli and why the human penis is an implement for intimacy, not intimidation.

    This program includes a downloadable PDF that contains illustrations from the book.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Emily Willingham (P)2020 Penguin Audio


    "This is a hilarious tour through a menagerie of dicks, and a ferocious guide to not being a dick yourself.” (Ed Yong, New York Times best-selling author of I Contain Multitudes)

    Phallacy is Dr. Emily Willingham's detailed, insightful, and funny cross-species biography of the penis. It's an entertaining romp that is as much about evolution as it is about emotion and egos. It shines a light on how we became so penis-centric and the resulting repercussions for science, society, and sex.” (Jen Gunter, MD, New York Times best-selling author of The Vagina Bible)

    “Exuberantly witty and scathingly subversive, Willingham’s Phallacy takes a long-overdue look at the myriad ways that putting the penis, and maleness in general, at center stage have skewed many fields of scientific inquiry, from the study of evolution to Freud’s fulminations on psychoanalysis. An important and timely book.” (Steve Silberman, New York Times best-selling author of NeuroTribes)

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