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Couverture de Perspective: Poems

Perspective: Poems

De : Christie Leigh Babirad
Lu par : Aubrey Jones
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    There are many different ways to look at life’s situations and adventures. Within the tingling emotions of the truest love, the burning pain of a heartbreak that may never receive closure or justice, the stirring of new ideas that will bring you into a better world for yourself and loved ones; within all of these emotions, PERSPECTIVE is the star.

    Perspective is the common thread through all the events of life that, depending on how you view what takes place, brings you to the other side for better or worse. Perspective will always be the main player in your story of what you love, embrace, and manifest, as well as what you dislike and need to set free from your heart. Which stance will you take? Which outlook will lead you to the life beyond your childhood dreams and fantasies? The power is always within you, within your chosen perspective.

    Get ready for a poetic and lyrical ride through the heart as it faces love, passion, hurt, opinions, and existential conclusions.

    This is “Perspective.”

    ©2024 Christie Leigh Babirad (P)2024 Christie Leigh Babirad


    “Christie Leigh Babirad’s book, Perspective: Poems is fantastic! The poems and pictures bring you on such a great journey. I love Christie’s writing and I highly recommend this book.” —Michel Goguen, Songwriter and Musician for “Open Strum” and founder of the “Music for Critters” fundraiser

    “Another beautiful, moving collection of poems by Christie Leigh Babirad, Perspective: Poems reaches into the heart and gently taps. Running through themes of love, loss, gain, nostalgia, courage, and hope, Babirad’s poems illuminate the human experience from her unique point of view and allows for a shared connection. Paired with her captivating photographs, each poem causes readers to pause and reflect on what it is to live in this messy, complicated, wonderous world, and to be grateful that we are, despite our differences, all in this together.” —Becky Marietta, Author of White River Red: A Novel

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