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  • Person Unlimited

  • An Ode to My Black, Queer Body
  • De : Dean Atta
  • Lu par : Dean Atta
  • Durée : 7 h et 57 min

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Person Unlimited

De : Dean Atta
Lu par : Dean Atta
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    You’ve fought and you’ve run away.
    You’ve danced with other Black queer bodies until sunrise.
    Sometimes you wanted to be caught and sometimes you wanted to be held.
    With all that you’ve endured, you are nothing less than miraculous.

    From choirboy to drag act, grandson to mentor, poet to lover, Dean Atta has played many roles in his life. In this formally inventive, candid and courageous book, he explores what he has carried in his body: wins and losses, shame and pride, pain and joy. Dean also investigates how radical self-acceptance and a willingness to abide with discomfort open up the possibility of a life lived beyond definition: a person unlimited.
    ©2024 Dean Atta (P)2024 Canongate Books Ltd
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT


    'Years ago within living memory this book would have been illegal and Dean could have been imprisoned for writing it. All memoir is a witness statement. Dean Atta, speak your truth and say it loud' (Lemn Sissay)

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