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Couverture de Persistence, Persistence, Persistence

Persistence, Persistence, Persistence

De : Isaac Mizrahi
Lu par : Isaac Mizrahi
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    Even the most successful people in the world experience setbacks. The secret is learning how to deal with them and make them work to our benefit. We can let failure sap our self-confidence and heighten our frustration, or we can stay true to our vision and embrace new opportunities.

    Fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi has had to reinvent himself several times over, experiencing extraordinary success along with devastating failure. But he approached the uncertain times with an unflappable sense of self and purpose that drove him forward, often inspired by his favorite books. In this workshop, the designer, entrepreneur, and entertainer introduces you to these invigorating personalities - both real and fictional. An autistic animal behaviorist. A portrait of human drive and desire. A leader who never gave up the fight. Like Isaac, you'll learn how to trust your instincts, bounce back from setbacks, and persevere.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Shift Your Mindset: Practical steps to shift your thinking and learn from setbacks
    • Find Your Strength: How to focus on the work you enjoy and stay true to your vision
    • Know When to Stay the Course: Signs that it's time to push back and stay true to your vision

    About the Mentor:

    This Brooklyn-born, Jersey-raised dreamer received his first sewing machine when he was just 10 years old. Before he turned 30, Isaac Mizrahi had established his critically acclaimed eponymous fashion label and to this day remains the Chief Designer of his brand. But he’s also an actor, author, and entrepreneur. So whether sitting as a judge on Project Runway: All-Stars or bringing elegance to the masses on QVC, Isaac is a master of persistence and turning creative ideas into tangible success. 

    ©2019 Audible Originals, LLC (P)2020 Audible Originals, LLC.

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