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  • Perfectly Imperfect

  • Your Complete Guide to Loving Yourself and Loving Your Body
  • De : Lunaria Gaia
  • Lu par : Lunaria Gaia
  • Durée : 11 h et 37 min

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Perfectly Imperfect

De : Lunaria Gaia
Lu par : Lunaria Gaia
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    Sick of the negative self-talk, the relentless self-doubt, and feeling self-conscious?

    It's time to love yourself and love your body.

    You’ve been told your whole life that you’re not skinny enough, rich enough, young enough, not special enough. Too fat, too old, too loud, too needy, too much - and you’ve convinced yourself it’s true.

    Being at war with our bodies is much more than fat rolls and wrinkles; it has a profound impact on our self-esteem that permeates everything that we do. It forces us to hide and stops us from living our lives to the fullest.

    Perfectly Imperfect will take you on a deep journey of self-discovery, healing, and self-love awakening. If you’ve been waiting for a sign that it’s time, here it is.

    In this life-changing audiobook you will:

    • Master your negative self-talk and stop the self-doubt
    • Discover the real reason you hate your body (it’s not what you might think)
    • Find out how to heal your relationship with your body and stop feeling self-conscious
    • Learn how to reconnect with your truth and trust yourself again
    • Receive powerful transmissions to drop the self-doubt and truly love yourself inside and out
    • Find out how Luna went from self-loathing and eating disorders to finding true self-love

    You don’t have to keep living in self-shame and pain. All of you is welcome here.

    ©2021 Lunaria Gaia (P)2021 Lunaria Gaia

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