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  • Perfect Enough

  • Achieving Happiness & Balance with the Discover Process
  • De : Laura King
  • Lu par : Dena Kouremetis
  • Durée : 8 h et 17 min

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Perfect Enough

De : Laura King
Lu par : Dena Kouremetis
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    If you have read or seen The Secret and are discouraged with your ability to break free from your past to create the life of your dreams, this book is for you. Laura King gives you the tools in her book, Perfect Enough, to make the concepts presented in The Secret actually work in your life.

    Using 100% of your mind is the real secret to making this happen. So, what is Perfect Enough? According to author, Laura King, Perfect Enough is the place you reach when you’ve accepted that you are exactly where you need to be right now. From the “now” you truly can go anywhere you desire and manifest the relationships, the money, the happiness…the life you truly desire.

    In her book, Perfect Enough, Laura leads you through The Discover Process, where you face and release your fears; and fill that space with positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors using hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). These powerful tools allow you to use 100% of your mind, so you truly can create lasting changes. Stop self-sabotage, and learn to use the Law of Attraction successfully in your life. Laura’s step-by-step guide assists you in evaluating your perceptions and experiences around self-esteem, love, prosperity, health, and purpose, while creating a plan for achieving a balanced and happy life.

    Also consider purchasing the Perfect Enough Companion Book and the Perfect Enough - Maximize Your Discover Process, 8 Discover Keys self-hypnosis series. Laura created the Perfect Enough Companion Book as a tool that distills the steps of The Discover Process in a workbook format. Once you understand the process by listening to Perfect Enough, this companion book is the perfect next step toward creating your new life.

    Laura’s Perfect Enough - Maximize Your Discover Process, 8 Discover Keys self-hypnosis series is the final piece of the puzzle that puts the magic of the Law of Attraction to work. Although you will learn how to write your own script, why write and record your own self-hypnosis scripts when Laura, who is a Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Performance, and Life Coach, has already recorded them for you? You are perfect enough right now…the Perfect Enough series is the springboard to your balanced, fulfilled, happy life!

    ©2007 Laura King (P)2023 Laura King

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