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  • People Who Like Dogs Like People Who Like Dogs

  • Extraordinary encounters in an ordinary park
  • De : Nick Duerden
  • Lu par : Andrew Dowbiggin
  • Durée : 10 h

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People Who Like Dogs Like People Who Like Dogs

De : Nick Duerden
Lu par : Andrew Dowbiggin
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    'Anyone who has ever walked a dog and found themselves falling into conversation with others doing the same will love this funny, charming and touching book' RORY CELLAN-JONES

    Ostensibly, Nick Duerden is a cat person, and so the acquisition of a family dog in his late-40s takes him by surprise. The border terrier, Missy, is in part a therapeutic aid - the idea being that she'll get Nick out of the house after a long period of ill health, and back into the wider, sociable world.

    Unexpectedly, it works. There can't be many opportunities in midlife to suddenly find yourself connecting with both hopeful young actor types and widowed octogenarians, a verbose existentialist Russian dissident and a stoned martial arts enthusiast, a bulldog with a basketball and a self-proclaimed animal mystic, but this is precisely what Missy, and the daily walk round the park, provides. (Incidentally, she saves marriages, too.)

    People Who Like Dogs Like People Who Like Dogs is a book about connection and friendship, love and loss, the vagaries of midlife and the deep solace that comes from an enduring relationship. It's about finding yourself when for too long you've been lost, and how even when, for whatever reason, horizons draw in, there's still plenty of adventure left. You just have to look harder for it.

    And it's about how the introduction of a small dog into your life can make the world big again.
    ©2024 Nick Duerden (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited


    A delightful tale of dogs, their owners, and the communities they make together (Katherine May)
    A wise and touching book about the small relationships that can nevertheless change lives (Lissa Evans)
    Honest, insightful and brave, full of compassion and humour (Michael Morpurgo)

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