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  • Pennies from Heaven Love Never Leaves

  • Heavenly Help in Healing After the Death of a Loved One
  • De : Stacy Boland
  • Lu par : Carmen Seantel
  • Durée : 2 h et 6 min

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Couverture de Pennies from Heaven Love Never Leaves

Pennies from Heaven Love Never Leaves

De : Stacy Boland
Lu par : Carmen Seantel
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    What if I told you that there is no end? That we never really die. How would that knowledge change the grieving process for you?

    In this book, the author, having struggled with unexpected death first-hand guides listeners through the journey of grief and healing based on her own experiences. This book will help you discover a healthy sustainable way to heal without letting go. The author encourages and teaches listeners how to create a divine language through signs and synchronicities with spirit guides and crossed-over loved ones. Tuning into a divine language helps listeners to see light where before there was darkness and peace where before there was pain.

    Our goal, and hopefully yours too, is to open your mind and heart to the opportunity within the pain of tragedy. Our intention in this book is to introduce new helpful affordable tools and resources such as healing with sound, chakra balancing, reiki, meditation, and intentional eating.

    Join us as we dive into the magic and wonders of life, the Other Side, and consciousness as we acknowledge together that love knows no death.

    ©2022, 2023, 2024 Stacy Boland (P)2024 Stacy Boland

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