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Couverture de Paved in Venom

Paved in Venom

De : Sonja Grey
Lu par : Wen Ross, Kai Kennicott
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    First, I was taken. Then, I was sold. Now, I'm his.


    The man who bought me is sinfully gorgeous—a tatted-up wall of muscle who assures me that I'm safe with him.

    He can't let me go. Not yet anyway.

    He and his brothers need my help to find someone. I agree to help them, not having any idea it's going to lead us into a nest of vipers. If their venom doesn't get me… his will.

    Lines blur between the two of us, and I no longer feel like it's all for show. Because the truth is, Danil owns me… every single part of me.

    It turns out being owned by the Bratva boss isn't such a bad thing after all.


    The second I saw her, I knew I had to have her. I would've paid anything to make her mine.

    It was supposed to be fake. I wasn't supposed to fall for her, but the second I won the bid, I knew I'd never be able to let her go.

    I'm a man who likes to be in control, and Simona gives it all up for me. She bends to my will, taking everything I want to give her.

    It turns out I want to give her everything.

    This is a very steamy dark Bratva romance and the second book in the five-book Melnikov Bratva series. Each book features a different brother and a complete love story, but the series is best enjoyed in order. For mature listeners.

    ©2024 Sonja Grey (P)2024 Podium Audio

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