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  • Patton's War: An American General's Combat Leadership, Volume 2: August-December 1944

  • American Military Experience
  • De : Kevin M. Hymel
  • Lu par : Jim Woods
  • Durée : 12 h et 9 min

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Couverture de Patton's War: An American General's Combat Leadership, Volume 2: August-December 1944

Patton's War: An American General's Combat Leadership, Volume 2: August-December 1944

De : Kevin M. Hymel
Lu par : Jim Woods
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    This second of three volumes of Patton’s War picks up where the first one left off, examining General George S. Patton’s leadership of the U.S. Third Army. The book follows Patton’s contributions to both the Normandy and Brittany campaigns—the closing of the Falaise Pocket in Normandy, and racing to the port cities in Brittany. It ends with Patton and his corps rescuing the besieged town of Bastogne in the Battle of the Bulge.

    As he did in the preceding volume, Hymel relies not only on Patton’s diaries and letters, but countless veteran interviews, sur­veys, and memoirs. He also provides a unique insight missed by previous Patton scholars. Instead of using Patton’s transcribed diaries, which were heavily edited and embellished, he consults Patton’s original, hand-written diaries to uncover previously un­known information about the general.

    This second volume of Hymel’s groundbreaking work shows Patton at the height of his generalship, successfully leading his army without the mistakes and caustic behavior that almost got him sent home earlier—even if we also see a Patton still guided at times by racism and antisemitism.

    The book is published by University of Missouri Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks.

    ©2023 The Curators of the University of Missouri (P)2024 Redwood Audiobooks


    “This volume is essential to understanding Patton and his army in World War II.” (Christopher L. Kolakowski, former Director, General George Patton Museum of Leadership)

    “An authoritative, compelling, and incredibly entertaining account of how Patton became a master of the battlefield.” (James Holland, author of Brothers in Arms)

    "A massive and impressively informative military biography...unreservedly recommended." (Midwest Book Review)

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