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Couverture de Passion Favors the Bold

Passion Favors the Bold

De : Theresa Romain
Lu par : Gabrielle Baker
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    Lord Hugo Starling is having the worst day. Not only have funders rejected his ambitious medical plans-again—but his friend's younger sister has disguised herself as a boy to hunt for gold sovereigns stolen from the Royal Mint.

    No. Absolutely not. Ridiculous.

    Or . . . is it? Due to the terms of her parents' will, Georgette Frost is about to lose her bookshop home. If she can cross England in time to claim the Royal Mint's reward, her future will be secured. She invites Hugo to join her, for a share of the reward would allow him finally to bring his medical plans to life.

    Fine. If he must. Just to make sure she's safe.

    Georgette is resourceful and eager for adventure, and as they follow clues ever northward, they encounter a pickpocket, a Bow Street Runner, and inns with only one bed. The maddening woman is under his protection—but not even Hugo's iron self-control can resist forever. As he and Georgette test each other's mettle and share truths they've never confessed, they begin to lose their hearts.

    They don't have time for that sort of thing. They just need to find the stolen gold; then they can finally go their separate ways. That's what they both want. Right?

    ©2017 Theresa St. Romain; Revised edition copyright 2023 by Theresa St. Romain (P)2024 Tantor

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