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Couverture de Passenger List

Passenger List

De : John Dryden
Lu par : Elizabeth Pan
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    A missing plane.
    A cabin full of suspects.
    One woman's quest for the truth.

    When Atlantic Airlines Flight 702 disappears mid-flight between London and New York, the world is stunned. With the public clamouring for answers, authorities seem at a loss as to how to explain the plane's disappearance.

    There were 256 passengers on Flight 702, with many carrying dark secrets on board with them. Could one of them hold the truth behind the plane's disappearance?

    College student Kaitlin Le's beloved twin brother, Conor, was on that plane. She refuses to believe the official statements, or to join her parents in their blind acceptance of Conor's death.

    But as she journeys deeper into the murky heart of what really happened on board that plane, it becomes clear she's drawing attention to herself. And there are some people who would rather the truth behind the fate of Flight 702 stayed buried...

    ©2021 John Dryden (P)2021 Orion Publishing Group


    "A first class, edge-of-your-seat thriller. Fast-paced, flawlessly executed and hugely entertaining, it'll leave you breathless." (Sara Lotz)

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