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Couverture de Parenting When You're Autistic

Parenting When You're Autistic

De : Pooky Knightsmith, Nerys Hughes - foreword
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    Parenting is hard. It's one of those universal constants, like water being wet or grass being green. And being neurodivergent can add an extra layer of tricky to the whole thing. So what can you do?

    Speaking from a wealth of experience as both a mental health expert and an autistic parent, Pooky Knightsmith guides you through the joys and challenges of raising children in a neurotypical world. From self-care and special interests to meltdowns and managing conflict, the tips and strategies in this book will help you to build a positive relationship with your child, whether they're neurotypical or neurodivergent, all while looking after your own mental health.

    Always authentic, always practical, sometimes funny, and never judgmental, this book is an essential for ADHD and neurodivergent parents (and future parents!) looking for advice from someone who's been there and made it work.

    ©2024 Pooky Knightsmith (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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