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  • Parenting Strategies for Raising ADHD Children

  • Encourage Positive Behavior, Teach Self Regulation, Help Them Increase Their Focus and Easily Thrive in School
  • De : Elizabeth N. Jacobs
  • Lu par : Dr. Michelle Carabache
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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Parenting Strategies for Raising ADHD Children

De : Elizabeth N. Jacobs
Lu par : Dr. Michelle Carabache
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    Your child’s hyperactive mind is actually a blessing, not a curse. Here’s what you need to know….

    One minute everything is good; your child is calm and focused. But then, in the blink of an eye, something changes—now they’re hysterical, screaming, and getting them to sit still for even half a second is suddenly impossible. Do you often sit there and worry about your child's temper, wishing there was something you could do to help them calm down a bit, but not knowing where to start? Is their frustration leaving you frustrated, causing you both to spiral out of control? You’re not alone.

    There are over 6.4 million parents feeling exactly what you are feeling right now. With some deeper insight into what ADHD actually is and how it affects your child's brain, paired with a practical guide for how to effectively navigate this situation, you’ll soon find that your child's “problem” isn’t actually a problem at all.

    In Parenting Strategies for Raising ADHD Children, you’ll discover:

    • How ADHD is affecting your child's brain chemistry, and why understanding this is the key to making the right decisions for them
    • The number one thing your child needs from you and how you can give it to them best
    • Why your child’s hyperactive mind is actually a good thing and what you can do to help them realize this
    • Effective strategies for teaching your child how to express their emotions in a way that you can actually understand
    • Why you shouldn't force your child to do things a certain way and how this will help them be more relaxed
    • A play-by-play action guide for helping your child navigate the difficult world of peer pressure
    • How to help your child overcome their limiting beliefs and begin to truly connect with the truth of who they are

    Your child needs you to step in and help them understand who they truly are, and why their way of being isn’t actually a problem. More importantly, you also need to give yourself some much-needed breathing room and time for relaxation.

    ©2022 Elizabeth N. Jacobs (P)2023 Elizabeth N. Jacobs

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