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De : William Yirka, William Darnell
Lu par : William D. Yirka
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The Tickslith world is about to be violently destroyed. Lacking enough room to go with them, the honorable males load their women aboard their one ship in hopes of saving their species. The extremely powerful, 200-mile-long vessel then travels the galaxy, delivering female love, peace, and tranquility to the several thousand worlds that have allowed them to land. Upon visiting Earth, the 1,400-pound, sympathetic aliens share their holographic recordings of these strange and advanced worlds. They show man weird and wonderful beings, their odd behaviors, their superior technologies, their much higher intellect and their unique environments. Most importantly, the Tickslith trade their technological knowledge along with two very important gifts for our food and fuel. Earth leaps into the future. Man then lives a longer, illness-free life. He abolishes war, murder, boarders, and government. Content and happy, man never again labors. Then, as they have done with every planet they had befriended, the Tickslith invite some of Earth’s people to accompany them on their next adventure. Woe to those who go!

Of Bill’s five science-fiction novels, this is the most admired.

©2004 William D. Yrka (P)2004 William D. Yirka
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