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Couverture de Papilio


De : Ben Clanton, Andy Chou Musser, Corey R. Tabor
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    A tale told in three parts by three friends! Powerhouse creators, Ben Clanton, Corey R. Tabor, and Andy Chou Musser, have come together to create a wholly inventive picture book that is perfect for fans of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

    Introducing Papilio Polyxenes, the Black Swallowtail Butterfly! She’s an adorable and hilarious caterpillar who is ready to join the world and become a butterfly! But growing up is a complicated work in progress, and Papilio encounters some hiccups as she learns to fly, fall, and feed. While avoiding foes and making friends, she transforms from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly...and most importantly, learns to believe in herself along the way.

    Told in three parts, mega-bestselling author-illustrator Ben Clanton, Caldecott Honoree Corey R. Tabor, and rising star Andy Chou Musser have come together to create an expressive character who exudes all of the emotions that accompany life's big firsts and the experiences that help us to discover our inner strength.

    ©2025 Ben Clanton, Andy Chou Musser, and Corey R. Tabor (P)2025 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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