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Couverture de Paperback Writer

Paperback Writer

De : Tim Battersby, Laura Battersby
Lu par : Tim Battersby, Laura Battersby
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    Paperback Writer is a collection of nine short stories (running time total 4 hours 39 minutes) with nine connecting songs (running time total 31 minutes). 

    All stories were written by Tim Battersby with the exception of two poems, "Set the Table" and "An Upward Look", that was written and narrated by Laura Battersby.

    Music performed by The Cross Creek Band. All songs were written by Tim and Laura Battersby with the exception of "Hallelujah" and "Fool on the Hill", that was written by Leonard Cohen and Lennon/McCartney, respectively. The audiobook was produced by The Battersby DuoSound engineer, mixing and mastering by Tim Battersby.

    1) Precious Friend. Short Story. RT: 26:52 Narrated by Tim Battersby
    2) Homespun. The Cross Creek Band RT: 2:12
    3) The Ballerina. Short Story. RT:51:16 Narrated by Tim Battersby
    4) Freedom by The Cross Creek Band RT: 4:34
    5) Windsor Square. Short story. RT: 14:48 Narrated by Tim Battersby
    6) Hallelujah by The Cross Creek Band. RT: 5:09
    7) The Paperback Writer. Short story. RT: 1:01:26 Narrated by Tim Battersby
    8) Old Side of Young by The Cross Creek Band. RT: 2:47
    9) Set the Table, An Upward Look, Intent, The Wind and The Wait. 5 Poems RT: 4:25
    10) Uncle Sam Forgot to Call by The Cross Creek Band. RT: 2:27
    11) Murder for Hire. Short story. RT: 16:59 Narrated by Tim Battersby
    12) That Magical Youth by The Cross Creek Band. RT: 4:16
    13) We Shrunk the House. Comedy short story. RT: 5:06 Narrated by Tim Battersby
    14) The English Teacher by The Cross Creek Band. RT: 4:09
    15) Laugh On. Comedy short story. RT: 8:54 Narrated by Tim Battersby
    16) Dylan's Song by The Cross Creek Band. RT: 3:10
    17) The Satchel. Short story. RT: 52:53 Narrated by Tim Battersby
    18) Fool on the Hill by The Cross Creek Band. RT: 3:05

    ©2019 Tim Battersby (P)2021 Tim Battersby

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