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Couverture de Paper Dreams

Paper Dreams

De : Sioux Trett
Lu par : Almond Eastland
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    Serenity Winters is out of time.

    Summer with her bestie in California hasn’t exactly turned out how Rennie had planned. So far, it looks a little like this:

    • Become embroiled in a cryptic Prophecy. Check.
    • Save best friend from the Spiral Spire. Check.
    • Learn the true identity of the ruthless Commander. Check.
    • Discover that dreams coming true isn’t a good thing. Check.
    • Kiss the wrong boy, and hurt the right boy in the process. Check.

    Yeah, none of those things were actually on her vacation Must-Do List. But then, Rennie has always been an over-achiever.

    In this much-anticipated conclusion to the Paper Dreams Chronicles, Rennie must band together with her friends one last time to join forces with the mysterious rebel leader, confront the Commander, take on the Enforcers, uncover the truth behind her sister’s death, and what was that other thing? Oh right. Keep the two timelines from imploding, destroying the fabric of Time itself. So there’s that.

    Sometimes, we’re not prepared for the journey that calls us. Sometimes, the family we want isn’t the family we need. And sometimes, the happily ever after we dream of is just out of reach.

    But in the end, none of that matters. The Prophecy will not be ignored, and neither will the Commander. Rennie’s sarcasm and nerd references will only get her so far, so the real question is, does she have what it takes to finish the job? There’s only one way to find out, and as she knows all too well… Time is running out.

    ©2022 Sioux Trett (P)2023 Sioux Trett

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