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  • Paper Boat

  • New and Selected Poems 1961-2023
  • De : Margaret Atwood
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Couverture de Paper Boat

Paper Boat

De : Margaret Atwood
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    Brought to you by Penguin

    An extraordinary career-spanning collection from one of the most revered poets and storytellers of our age

    Tracing the legacy of Margaret Atwood – a writer who has fundamentally shaped our contemporary literary landscapes – Paper Boat assembles Atwood’s most vital poems in one essential volume.

    In pieces that are at once brilliant, beautiful and hyper-imagined, Atwood gives voices to remarkably drawn characters – mythological figures, animals and everyday people – all of whom have something to say about what it means to live in a world as strange as our own. ‘How can one live with such a heart?’ Atwood asks, casting her singular spell upon the listener, and ferrying us through life, death and whatever comes next. Walking the tightrope between reality and fantasy as only she can, Atwood’s journey through poetry illuminates our most innate joys and sorrows, desires and fears.

    Spanning six decades of work – from her earliest beginnings to brand new poems – this volume charts the evolution of one of our most iconic and necessary authors.

    We should regard Atwood as a poet first and foremost – just one who happens to be a highly regarded novelist’ Sunday Herald

    ©2024 Margaret Atwood (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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