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Couverture de Palaces of Light [Dramatized Adaptation]

Palaces of Light [Dramatized Adaptation]

De : James Axler
Lu par : full cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, Colleen Delany, Delores King Willams, Steven Carpenter, Scott McCormick, Christopher Graybill, Thomas Penny, Michael Glenn, Elizabeth Jernigan, Thomas Keegan
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    Remnants of America’s past are littered across the postapocalyptic landscape, but little remains of the predark ideals of law and order. Survival is a blood quest and lethal force the means to power. Still, a handful retains their humanity among the cold hearts and in a world where nothing lasts forever, hope is a commodity as precious as jack.

    Steeped in beauty and mysticism, the canyons of Mesa Verde, Colorado, survived the blast that altered the American west. Hired to track a group of missing children, Ryan Cawdor and his band follow the trail to a legendary city carved in stone, older and stronger than the nukecaust. The inhabitants of the palaces of light are more than warriors and survivors; they are masters of mind games that prey on illusion. And true believers in a metaphysical end game poised to push the companions over the edge of reality…into certain death.

    Performed by Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, Colleen Delany, Delores King Willams, Steven Carpenter, Scott McCormick, Christopher Graybill, Thomas Penny, Michael Glenn, Elizabeth Jernigan, Thomas Keegan.

    ©2012 Worldwide Library (P)2012 Graphic Audio, LLC

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