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  • Pages and Premonitions

  • A Spellbound Bookshop Mystery, Book 1
  • De : J A Whiting
  • Lu par : Meghan Kelly
  • Durée : 5 h et 49 min

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Pages and Premonitions

De : J A Whiting
Lu par : Meghan Kelly
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    This is book 1 in the Spellbound Bookshop paranormal cozy mystery series by USA TODAY Bestselling Author J.A. Whiting.

    It's holiday time and Shelby Price is decorating her bookshop in the seaside town of Hamlet on the North Shore of Massachusetts when she falls off a ladder and is knocked unconscious. When Shelby wakes up, she can hear her cat Harper talking to her.

    One evening, Shelby and her best friend Lucy attend a holiday festival at the Harris Estate on the outskirts of town. After enjoying the outdoor festivities and attractions, the young women head into the mansion for a tour of the place. During the tour, Shelby feels uneasy and anxious, and smells smoke for a moment, but then the odor is gone.

    The next morning, Shelby learns there has been a murder, and the body was found at the mansion in a room that had been set on fire overnight.

    With the help of her friend, a town detective, and her cat Harper, will Shelby be able to navigate
    her newly-discovered paranormal skills and help the detective find the killer before someone else loses their life?

    ©2024 Whitemark Publishing (P)2024 Whitemark Publishing

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