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Couverture de Pagan Warrior

Pagan Warrior

De : M J Porter
Lu par : Matt Coles
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    Britain. AD 632.

    Penda, a warrior of immense renown, has much to prove if he is to rule the Mercian kingdom of his dead father and prevent the neighboring king of Northumbria from claiming it.

    Unexpectedly allying with the British kings, Penda races to battle the alliance of the Northumbrian king, unsure if his brother stands with him or against him as they seek battle glory for themselves, and the right to rule gained through bloody conquest.

    There will be a victor and a bloody loser and a king will rise from the ashes of the great and terrible battle of Hædfeld.

    Meet the author

    Author of historical fiction (Anglo-Saxon/Viking) and fantasy. I write a lot; you've been warned.

    Find me @coloursofunison on Twitter.

    ©2015 M J Porter (P)2022 M J Porter

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