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Couverture de Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit Books 7-9

Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit Books 7-9

De : Maggie K. Black, Dana Mentink, Katy Lee, Sharee Stover
Lu par : Abby Craden, Eva Kaminsky, Patricia Santomasso, Jennifer Sun Bell
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    Love Inspired Suspense brings you three full-length stories in one collection. Enjoy action-packed stories in the Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit series featuring canine crime-stoppers solving thrilling mysteries that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

    This box set includes:

    by USA Today bestselling author Maggie K. Black
    K-9 officer Asher Gilmore and trainer Peyton Burns have two tasks: rescue three stolen bloodhound puppies and expose a drug ring. To outwit the criminals, they must go undercover as married smugglers with the help of an underwater-detection dog. But infiltrating the crime ring proves more dangerous than expected…

    by USA Today bestselling author Dana Mentink
    After months of tracking a colleague falsely accused of double homicide, officer Tanner Ford and his K-9 partner finally locate crime tech Mara Gilmore—but the real murderer is closing in. Forced to run into a frozen wilderness to survive, can Tanner protect Mara from a vicious assailant…before the harsh winter conditions bury them?

    by Katy Lee and Sharee Stover
    Members of the Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit are in a race against time in these holiday novellas. Can rival officers Veronica Eastwood and Parker Walsh work together to save Veronica’s sister in Katy Lee’s Yuletide Ransom? And can K-9 officers Dylan Jeong and Brandie Weller stop a bomber out for revenge in Sharee Stover’s Holiday Rescue Countdown?

    From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

    Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit

    • Book 1: Shielding the Baby by Laura Scott
    • Book 2: Scent of Truth by Valerie Hansen
    • Book 3: Explosive Trail by Terri Reed
    • Book 4: Olympic Mountain Pursuit by Jodie Bailey
    • Book 5: Threat Detection by Sharon Dunn
    • Book 6: Cold Case Revenge by Jessica R. Patch
    • Book 7: Undercover Operation by Maggie K. Black
    • Book 8: Snowbound Escape by Dana Mentink
    ©2023 Maggie K. Black, Dana Mentink, Katy Lee, Sharee Stover (P)2023 Harlequin Enterprises, Limited

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