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  • PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens

  • Divine Principles for Praying with Confidence, Discerning God's Will, and Blessing Others
  • De : Jurgen Matthesius
  • Lu par : Ross Kennedy
  • Durée : 6 h et 29 min

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PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens

De : Jurgen Matthesius
Lu par : Ross Kennedy
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    This revolutionary book will explain what God wants for and from us when we petition Him for his will to manifest “on Earth as it is in Heaven,” and how to understand the difference.

    Do you ever feel as if, despite your spirituality and faith, something significant is missing? Most teenagers and college students, as well as tens of millions of adults, are still striving to figure out the purpose and meaning of their lives.

    The natural struggle for faith in something intangible can be compounded by incorrect teachings and contradictory explanations of the workings of God in our lives. How does “free will” really work? What does it mean to ask for God’s will? When things happen in life, how do you really know whether that is God’s will? Is there really any point in praying for His will if we can’t influence it?

    These haunting personal questions became the genesis of PUSH as Matthesius sought answers. Now, he unpacks the powerful biblical truths he learned—the result of deep revelation from discovering God and constantly seeking to know him with all his heart.

    PUSH is about helping you discover God’s dream for your life so you become the blessing you were meant to be. It is about helping you truly embrace the power of prayer and understand what that means instead of simply treating it as a platitude you offer when someone is struggling. This book will instill confidence and promote vision. PUSH will stir you to take action, to remain vigilant, and Pray Until Something Happens.

    ©2014 Jurgen Matthesius (P)2022 Thomas Nelson

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