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  • PHR Study Guide 2023-2024

  • Review Book With 350 Practice Questions and Answer Explanations for the Professional in Human Resources Certification
  • De : Shawn Blake
  • Lu par : Alison Hart
  • Durée : 6 h et 23 min

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PHR Study Guide 2023-2024

De : Shawn Blake
Lu par : Alison Hart
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    This all-inclusive guide will help you ace the PHR exam on your first try and establish a solid foundation for your HR career! The PHR exam has a notoriously low pass rate, with only 65 percent of test takers successfully passing in 2021. Fortunately for you, this study guide was thoughtfully crafted to provide a thorough review for the test's many functional areas, as well as practice exams to help you get a feel for what the real thing will be like on test day.

    Take a closer look inside this must-have PHR study guide to discover:

    • Helpful information about the PHR examination, such as its scope and eligibility requirements.
    • In-depth coverage of the exam's five HR domains: Business management, talent planning, and acquisition, learning and development, total rewards, and employee and labor relations.
    • Two full-length practice tests that mimic the actual exam’s instructions and format with an answer key that includes detailed explanations to help you prepare effectively.
    • The importance of knowing and following all applicable federal employment and labor laws in order to safeguard the organization.
    • The fundamentals of business management: setting up proper structures, establishing sound policies, and adhering to a moral code to ensure the continued success of the company over time.

    And much more!

    Passing the exam is your ticket to success and career advancement. While you can always retake it should you fail, passing the first time allows you to continue soaring high without delay. If you want to pass the PHR exam on your first try and improve your knowledge about the industry, then download this audiobook today!

    ©2023 Hanley Publications LLC (P)2023 Hanley Publications LLC

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