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Couverture de Own the A.I. Revolution

Own the A.I. Revolution

De : Neil Sahota, Michael Ashley
Lu par : Doug Greene
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    Disrupt your industry, boost profitability, and grow your business with a powerful AI strategy.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is on the verge of disrupting every domain of human existence. What does that mean for your business? Everything. Building on the power of AI is the factor that will determine success or failure in the very near future - and this in-depth guide from the man who designed the AI system that famously won Jeopardy provides everything you need to be a leader in this revolution.

    Own the A.I. Revolution provides a future-forward look at AI - how it will look in the coming years, the countless business opportunities it will offer, the risks that come with it - and delivers the knowledge you need to navigate it all in real and practical ways. You'll learn how to:

    • Find the right off-the-shelf AI solutions for your needs
    • Perform a cost/benefit analysis of implementing AI into your business strategy
    • Train and test AI before fully committing
    • Assemble superior teams to steer your AI future
    • Ensure you remain current and ahead of the curve

    You'll also find interviews with today's top experts and AI thought leaders on the exciting ways organizations are already transforming themselves through this revolutionary technology.

    AI sounds scary to some, but the best business leaders see it as an opportunity - as a way not only to drive profits and outpace the competition, but to build value for customers and make the world a better place. It's time to face our brave new AI-driven world - and make sure you own the AI revolution!

    ©2019 Althena Systems, Inc. and Michael Ashley (P)2019 McGraw Hill-Ascent Audio

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