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  • Own It!

  • How Great Leaders Build a 'Take Responsibility' Culture for Breakthrough Results
  • De : Chris J. Ihrig
  • Lu par : Bruce Murdock
  • Durée : 4 h et 5 min

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Own It!

De : Chris J. Ihrig
Lu par : Bruce Murdock
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    It’s Time to Lead. It’s Time to Thrive.
    Change Your Workplace Culture and Skyrocket Your Business Performance!

    Looking for efficient ways to break out of the mold of outdated management practices and establish a healthy working environment that delivers consistent and tangible results?

    Presenting Own It! How Great Leaders Build ‘Take Responsibility’ Culture for Breakthrough Results. The latest eye-opening book from Chris J. Ihrig provides leaders with powerful strategies to transform the workplace!

    Conventional workplace cultures had been based on boss-led authority and control, often resulting in workers that don’t know, or worse, don’t care or don’t take responsibility for the work they are doing. Breaking the business norms, the "Own It" workplace culture cultivates a courageous workforce and presents tools for driving breakthrough results in today’s ever-changing and demanding marketplace.

    By the end of this comprehensive book, you will have learned three key business strategies, and you will be able to:

    • Build a new, healthy, diverse, and respectful Social Contract that encourages team member engagement and promotes responsibility-taking.
    • Follow actionable steps to get your team to self-manage and own their jobs.
    • Infuse your team with the tools and attitude to take responsibility and accountability to deliver exceptional customer service.

    Take your leadership to new heights. Own It! will guide you through the necessary steps to create a workplace culture for deeper employee engagement, improved performance, and customers that become life-long brand ambassadors.

    ©2021 Chris J. Ihrig (P)2021 Chris J. Ihrig


    "With passion and style, Own It! gets to the heart of what’s needed in order to achieve extraordinary results, creating a workplace where people are deeply engaged." (Dave Raley, Business Executive)

    "Chris Ihrig gives any aspiring leader a practical guide on how to develop the courage and actions it takes to make an organization a winner. Own It! gives us the conviction and clarity that leaders need to achieve extraordinary results through their greatest asset, their people." (Pat Williams, NBA Hall of Famer, author of Revolutionary Leadership)

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