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  • Own It!

  • How to Boss Your Fears, Free Your Voice and Inspire the Room
  • De : Liz Peters
  • Lu par : Liz Peters
  • Durée : 6 h et 38 min

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Own It!

De : Liz Peters
Lu par : Liz Peters
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    Many books on public speaking tell you what to do. This one can also change the way you feel.

    Do you want to shine in conversations, meetings, pitches, or presentations? Is it time to let go of the anxiety that holds you back? Whatever you want to say and whenever you need to say it, this inspiring and engaging guide will equip you with powerful ways to free your voice, connect with your audience, and communicate with confidence to make a lasting impact.

    Combining practical advice with techniques that really work, performer and communication expert Liz Peters draws on years of research and experience to help you:

    • Overcome the life-limiting fears that stop you speaking up
    • Harness the transformative power of embodiment to build enduring confidence
    • Feel at ease and in control whenever you have to take center stage
    • Understand how to use your personal presence to engage others
    • Master your spotlight moments, wherever they are

    It's time to believe you're good enough. So, get ready to unleash your inner brilliance and discover how awesome it feels to own the room!

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Liz Peters (P)2020 Nartan Rose

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