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Overcoming the Shattered Dreams of Life

De : Dr. Dale Goodman
Lu par : Dan Hankiewicz
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Nearing the final edit of my book, I broke down and cried. It was another moment reflecting on how difficult my journey toward restoration has been. It was not easy to overcome the destructive wounds of my childhood years. I understand why many never recover - it's too painful to face, process, or believe. It’s easier to run, avoid, and deny. Sadly, most never escape their false beliefs and inappropriate behavior which continue to undermine their life and relationships.

Everyone has a story, and many are more extremely worse than mine. Yet, I believe it was still important to share my story for those still searching for hope and to overcome. There is more for your life, and you must hold strongly to this belief, no matter how long it takes.

If you were broken, betrayed, and hurt in the early years of your life or at any other time, you can get better. You’re not alone, nor defined by your past. No matter how dismal, disappointing, and destructive the days have been, there will always be more light beyond the darkness. May this book inspire you to stay in the fight and to endure the time needed to heal. For the broken, you deserve a better life, and it can happen! Let time have a way of healing you!

©2020 Dale R. Goodman (P)2020 Dale R. Goodman
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