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  • Overcoming Cancer

  • From Despair and Desperation to Hope, Life, and a Newfound Mission
  • De : Lynette Hill
  • Lu par : Aundrea King
  • Durée : 9 h et 9 min

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Couverture de Overcoming Cancer

Overcoming Cancer

De : Lynette Hill
Lu par : Aundrea King
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    In the year 2021, amidst worldwide fear, chaos, riots, and economic shutdowns resulting from the COVID-19 global pandemic, I was diagnosed with cancer. My scans were not the scans of a person who lives, the medical specialists said, and because of the medical policies put in place to stop the spread of COVID, much of my treatment was administered without the presence of my family or loved ones. Everything in my life had taken a drastic U-turn. I had gone from healthy and surrounded by family to dying alone on Thanksgiving Day in an instant, and there was nothing anyone could do except keep me comfortable until the end But God had other plans.

    This is the account of my journey into the world of cancer—a true story that tested my strength in unimaginable and countless ways, pressing me to recognize the true metal I was made of and see Christ and the world through different eyes. It all begins with horrific news, but it ends in the true modern miracle brought about through prayer, natural healing remedies, sacrificing bad habits on the altar before God, and above all, a strict faith in God's healing power.

    I am now a living testimony of God's grace and mercy, as well as the natural medicines He placed upon the soil of this earth to heal His people. Referred to in society as alternative treatments, let me be clear: there is nothing alternative about it. The ingredients that healed me are those that God put on this planet from the beginning with the intention of keeping His children alive and thriving.

    ©2024 Defender Publishing (P)2024 Defender Publishing


    "This book shatters the paradigm! Lynette's courageous journey from the valley of the shadow of death to God-given restoration is a remarkable, game-changing account of the hope currently available to millions of others who desperately need it!" (Joe Horn, B.C. Holistic Health Practitioner and bestselling author of Timebomb)

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