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  • Overcome Anxiety Crisis and Live Life with Vitality

  • And How I Had to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts Even as a Pastor
  • De : Emmanuel Ekuvero
  • Lu par : James Anderson.
  • Durée : 3 h et 54 min

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Overcome Anxiety Crisis and Live Life with Vitality

De : Emmanuel Ekuvero
Lu par : James Anderson.
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    Overcome Anxiety Crisis and Live Life with Vitality: And How I Had to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts Even as a Pastor is a heartfelt, emotional experience designed to overcome the negative and unproductive emotions associated with suicide and, yes, there are many symptoms leading down this dark road, from anxiety to confusion, but there is a brighter future for everyone.

    This is the author’s testimony of the demons he battled and how he rose above their temptations. Each section is filled with helpful tips, techniques, and personal experience. Overcome Anxiety Crisis and Live Life with Vitality details the hardships and triumphs of a man who not only survived, but now thrives with his new life. This audiobook not only discusses the causes of anxiety and depression but uses examples from history to illustrate how to combat their negative effects while laying the foundation for a better, sustainable frame of mind.

    Life seldom unfolds as we envision. Learning how to beat challenges and maintain the proper state of mind begins with a single step. Let Overcome Anxiety Crisis and Live Life with Vitality be yours.

    ©2019 Emmanuel Ekuvero (P)2020 Emmanuel Ekuvero

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