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Couverture de Outside-In Downside-Up Leadership

Outside-In Downside-Up Leadership

De : Jason T. Smith
Lu par : Jason T. Smith, Dave Stokes
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    For more than a decade, Jason T. Smith led the Back In Motion Health Group with a traditional organisational structure. For a while, it worked well. They were recognised in the BRW Fast Franchise list for five consecutive years as ANZ’s fastest-growing physiotherapy franchise - but then something changed. Jason set a new goal that couldn’t be achieved through the status quo. Their organisational model lacked critical design attributes needed for his team to unleash its innovative potential.

    It was time to overhaul.

    In the new audiobook, Outside-in Downside-Up Leadership Jason shares how just two years later, after challenging their internal culture and work flow, they found the sweet spot between authentic collaboration and the holy grail of peer accountability.

    The result: an explosion of new business growth and the freedom for each team member to excel at what they love.

    Working together in a completely innovative structure they call ONEteam™, Back In Motion worked from the outside-in, turning former norms and systems downside-up. The result was a workplace revolution - they achieved their overriding strategic target of 7/50/100: a brand presence in 7 states and territories, generating revenues of close to $50 million in annual client services, in over 100 locations.

    Regardless of whether you employ five people or lead a cohort of 5000, Outside-in Downside-Up Leadership provides a unique, practical framework for those who know their organisation is capable of so much more.

    ©2018 Jason T. Smith (P)2019 Jason T. Smith

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