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De : Richard Anderson
Lu par : Arthur Morey
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    Imagine Our Future Now by Listening to this Book! It begins in the year 2248, as Earth emerges from the worst effects of climate disruption. Through dramatic events and complicated relationships, on Earth and in space, the question of human survival is asked, answered, and asked again. In this book, you will peek over the shoulders of engineers and scientists as they construct our future. The interweaving storylines and spine-tingling adventures illustrate the dangers and challenges of building and living on the Moon, on Mars, or in space islands. How might people thrive in places hostile to life? As you join those wrestling with these problems on the lands and seas of Earth and the habitats in space, you will also share their loves, their losses, and their inspirations. Through this exciting vision of an imagined future you will gain insight into our present—and see Earth in a new light.

    Outbound: Islands in the Void is a novel of future fiction, wherein the science is serious, and the story is seriously fun. Buckle up!

    ©2024 Richard M Anderson (P)2024 Richard M Anderson

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