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Out of Love

De : Lynn Abaté-Johnson
Lu par : Lynn Abaté-Johnson
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Dear Fellow Caregiver,

You are not alone.

I'm with you.

Have you ever felt like you are in a tsunami of emotions? One day, everything was fine, and then something about someone you love changed forever. Out of Love was written for you, in your time of need, and for those moments that feel hopeless. I wrote these words to encourage, inspire, and let you know that, "Everything will be ok, honey," as my dear mom, Rosemary Ann Hakim (aka RahRah) would say if she were still with us.

Out of love, I learned how to be a caregiver.

Out of necessity, I created systems and tools that supported the daily tasks inherent in caring for someone with a life-threatening dis-ease.

During the six years of my mom's illness, I journaled daily and in the aftermath of her death, I was able to see the vital lessons those years taught me.

In my daily life, I'm a business consultant and community builder. The life of a caregiver was unfamiliar to me but somehow, as you will, I figured it out (not perfectly) purposely. I am honored to share my personal journey with you.

As my mom always said, "Life goes on."

And as usual, she was right about that. You will see that in this book.

Everything is going to be ok. I promise.

I'm with you.


Lynn Abaté-Johnson

©2022 Lynn Abaté-Johnson (P)2022 Lynn Abaté-Johnson
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