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  • Our Revolution

  • A Mother and Daughter at Midcentury
  • De : Honor Moore
  • Lu par : Honor Moore
  • Durée : 17 h et 2 min

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Our Revolution

De : Honor Moore
Lu par : Honor Moore
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    With the sweep of an epic novel, Our Revolution follows Jenny Moore, a charismatic and brilliant woman whose life changed as she became engaged in the great 20th century movements for peace and social justice. Born into Boston society in 1923 and the first woman in her family to go to college, she set aside writing ambitions to marry Paul Moore, a decorated war hero who became Bishop Paul Moore. Together they had nine children.

    Rejecting a conventional path, the Moores moved to an inner-city parish in Jersey City and began their family while collaborating on a socially radical, multiracial ministry. In 1968, Jenny published her first book. "Everything was just starting," she protested - meaning an independent life inspired in part by the new feminist movement - when she was diagnosed with cancer at 50.

    Jenny bequeathed to her eldest daughter, Honor, then a 27-year-old poet, her unfinished writing. As Honor pursued her own writing, she was haunted by her mother's bequest. Decades later, she delves into Jenny's pages and forges a new relationship with the passionate seeker and truth teller she finds there. Our Revolution is a vivid, absorbing account of two women navigating the 20th century and a daughter's story of the mother who shaped her life as an artist and a woman.

    ©2020 Honor Moore (P)2020 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books

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