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Couverture de Our Common Ground

Our Common Ground

De : John D. Leshy
Lu par : Scott Carrico
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    America’s public lands include more than 600 million acres of forests, plains, mountains, wetlands, deserts, and shorelines. In this book, John Leshy, a leading expert in public lands policy, discusses the key political decisions that led to this, beginning at the very founding of the nation. He traces the emergence of a bipartisan political consensus in favor of the national government holding these vast land areas primarily for recreation, education, and conservation of biodiversity and cultural resources.

    That consensus remains strong and continues to shape American identity. Such a success story is a bright spot in an era of cynicism about government. This book is essential listening for anyone who cares about public lands, and it is particularly timely as the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.

    The book is published by Yale University Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks.

    ©2021 John D. Leshy (P)2024 Redwood Audiobooks


    “A notable scholarly enjoyable read.” (Utah Historical Quarterly)

    “I could not put down this book!” (Lynn Scarlett, former deputy secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior)

    “Read John Leshy’s masterpiece!” (Mark Udall, former U.S. senator, Colorado)

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