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Ouch! When Ministry Hurts

De : Will Sanborn
Lu par : Rusty Jones
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Serving Christ is a fantastic privilege.

Serving Christ is the hardest thing you could imagine.

So which is it?

Ouch! When Ministry Hurts tackles that question for anyone serving Christ—whether in full-time ministry, in a part-time role, or as a volunteer—and aims to encourage you through:

  • Scripture examples when things went great or when it all fell apart.
  • The author’s experiences—good, bad, funny and sad—through 50 years of ministry, starting on campus, then as a pastor, and finally with military kids at the Army’s Fort Carson. Will has seen, if not all, a lot!
  • Anecdotes from others in ministry.
  • Plus a good amount of humor, because tears without laughter is a sad state indeed!

What Others Say About Ouch! When Ministry Hurts:

"A large portion of my current assignment in the Body of Christ is to help wounded servants. Will Sanborn's book, Ouch! When Ministry Hurts, is a tremendous tool to help Christian workers gain perspective and perseverance in their specific ministry assignments. Every Christ-one who is serving in any capacity needs to read this book. Highly recommended!" (Scott Mathis, President of the Berean Fellowship of Churches)

"Serving in ministry often comes with misconceptions from those in the community you serve. Who would not love to get paid to hang out with kids or adults, take them to do fun things, and talk to them about their faith? But the reality is, ministry is often difficult and quite lonely. In his book, Ouch! When Ministry Hurts, Will Sanborn talks about the elements of ministry that often get neglected. He provides amazing insight from his own experiences, while encouraging those serving in any sort of ministry capacity. I wish I’d had this book as I was starting my journey, but I love that I have it as an encouragement now as I continue pursuing ministry." (Hope Mango, Club Beyond Community Director (Young Life Military), Fort Hood, Texas)

"This is a must-read for anyone in ministry, whether professional or lay. The insights that Will Sanborn presents from everyday experiences are practical and applicable to today’s culture. Authentic! Encouraging! Hope-filled! If you work with people, you will be touched by the principles and advice you will glean." (Rev. Mark Brunott, Pastor of Congregational Care, First Evangelical Free Church, Lincoln, Nebraska)

"The most balanced approach to ministry ever written! This book provides a tough reality of answering the call. Although the pain does not compare to what Christ experienced on the cross, the day-to-day struggles of working with paid or volunteer workers, to working with church board members, can leave lasting scars in support of Christian ministry. This book will make you take a hard look at ministry expounding on the plentiful blessings as well as the plentiful pain of the call." (Pinkie Fischer, Chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Chaplain Corps)

"Ministry mirrors life. Times of joy are offset by tears of sorrow. Yet the grace of God enables the faithful servant of Christ to continue to press on. “Ouch!” reminds us to keep looking toward the finish line, not for an off-ramp. Read, be encouraged, and most importantly, keep pressing on." (J. Paul Nyquist, Ph.D., Vice President of Discipleship College of Biblical Studies, Houston, Texas)

About the Author:

The youngest of five brothers, Will Sanborn grew up in the Philadelphia area and graduated from Penn State.

©2022 Will Sanborn (P)2023 Will Sanborn
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