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Couverture de Other People's Weddings

Other People's Weddings

De : Maisey Yates
Lu par : Kelly Burke
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    The sparkling new enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Maisey Yates, perfect for fans of Emily Henry's You and Me on Vacation.

    If Poppy Love could just avoid Ryan Clark, her life would be fine.

    The brooding photographer hated her on sight when they met at twelve years old, and the feeling is mutual. And yet somehow he's always . . . there: Poppy's first wedding as a cake designer, the second wedding when a bear ate her cake, and then there was the fifth wedding when. . . well, it's probably best not to mention it, actually.

    Now her best friend is getting married and moving to the other side of the world. And as if that impossible heartbreak wasn't awful enough, Poppy, as Maid of Honor, is about to be stuck with Ryan for the whole wedding trip to New Zealand, because of course he's the Best Man.

    Perhaps it's time to finally call a truce. Or perhaps it's time Poppy admitted the heat between them isn't truly hate, at all. . .
    ©2024 Maisey Yates (P)2024 Headline Publishing Group Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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