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Couverture de Oslo


De : J. T. Rogers
Lu par : Anthony Azizi, Josh Bitton, Edita Brychta, J. D. Cullum, Matthew Floyd Miller, Darren Richardson, Andre Sogliuzzo, Devon Sorvari, Michel Wakim, Kevin Weisman
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    1993. In this rollicking take on modern diplomacy, a Norwegian social scientist and his diplomat wife are determined to try a new tactic to break the long-standing deadlock of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. A secret back channel in Norway leads to unexpected breakthroughs as negotiators find common ground. When the political becomes personal, relationships are forged that offer a chance to alter the course of history.

    Includes a conversation about the Oslo Accords with Steven Spiegel, director of the Center for Middle East Development at UCLA.

    Lead funding for Oslo is generously provided by the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation.

    Recorded before a live audience at the UCLA James Bridges Theater in April 2019.

    Directed by Brian Kite

    Producing Director Susan Albert Loewenberg

    Anthony Azizi as Ahmed Qurie (Abu Ala)

    Josh Bitton as Uri Savir and others

    Edita Brychta as Marianne Heiberg, Toril Grandal, Swedish Hostess, German Wife

    J. D. Cullum as Terje Rød-Larsen

    Matthew Floyd Miller as Johan Jorgen Holst, Joel Singer

    Darren Richardson as Jan Egeland, Ron Pundak, Trond Gunderson

    André Sogliuzzo as Yossi Beilin, Finn Grandal, Thor Bjornevog, American Diplomat, German Husband

    Devon Sorvari as Mona Juul

    Michel Wakim as Hassan Asfour and others

    Kevin Weisman as Yair Hirschfeld, Shimon Peres

    Associate Artistic Director, Anna Lyse Erikson. Recording Engineer, Sound Designer and Mixer, Mark Holden for The Invisible Studios, West Hollywood. Senior Radio Producer, Ronn Lipkin. Foley Artist, Brian Wallace. Production Manager, Daniel Trostler. Editor, Julian Nicholson.

    ©2019 L.A. Theatre Works (P)2019 L.A. Theatre Works

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