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Couverture de Orphan's Song

Orphan's Song

De : Gillian Bronte Adams
Lu par : Ann Richardson
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    Her solo is a death sentence.

    Deep within the world of Leira flows a melody that was sung at the beginning of time by Emhran, the Master Singer. Now it is broken, buried, forgotten. But in each generation, a Songkeeper arises to uphold the memory of the Song against those who want it silenced forever.

    When Birdie first hears the Song coming from her own mouth, her world shatters. She is no longer simply an orphan but the last of a hunted people. Forced to flee for her life, she must decide whom to trust - a traveling peddler, a streetwise thief, or a mysterious creature who claims to know her past.

    With enemies at her heels and war threatening to tear her homeland apart, Birdie soon discovers an overwhelming truth: The fate of Leira may hinge on one orphan's Song.

    ©2014 Gillian Bronte Adams (P)2021 Oasis Audio

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