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Couverture de Origins of The Wheel of Time

Origins of The Wheel of Time

De : Michael Livingston
Lu par : Harriet McDougal, Kate Reading, Michael Kramer, Michael Livingston, Rosamund Pike
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    With an introduction by Harriet McDougal, Origins of The Wheel of Time by Michael Livingston explores the inspirations behind the acclaimed series The Wheel of Time, including a biography of Robert Jordan for the first time.

    Explore never-before-seen insights into The Wheel of Time, including: an alternate scene from an early draft of The Eye of the World.

    This companion to the internationally bestselling series will delve into the creation of Robert Jordan’s masterpiece, drawing from interviews and an unprecedented examination of his unpublished notes. Michael Livingston tells the behind-the-scenes story of who Jordan was (including a chapter that is the very first published biography of the author), how he worked, and why he holds such an important place in modern literature.

    The second part of the book is a glossary to the ‘real world’ in The Wheel of Time. King Arthur is in The Wheel of Time. Merlin, too. But so is Alexander the Great and the Apollo Space Program, the Norse gods and Napoleon’s greatest defeat—and so much more.

    Origins of The Wheel of Time will provide exciting knowledge and insights to both new and longtime fans looking either to expand their understanding of the series or unearth the real-life influences that Jordan utilized in his world-building—all in one accessible text.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Michael Livingston (P)2022 Macmillan Publishers International Limited

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