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Couverture de Orbits


De : Jeremy Scott
Lu par : Eric Michael Summerer
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    In this epic conclusion to The Ables series, old and new generations of Ables must overcome their personal challenges and work together to stop a sinister plot to destroy all of the world's custodian heroes.

    For many years, Phillip Sallinger was one of the greatest custodians on Earth, using his superpowers to save countless lives. But after a personal tragedy, Phillip has spent the last decade living off the grid with his two children, Winnie and Henry. Phillip tries to ignore his powers and the increasing destabilization of the country, stubbornly believing he can shelter his family from harm simply by staying out of the public eye. But when Phillip is visited by a rush of familiar faces, they reveal the undeniable devastation of the looming crisis. The country's leader, calling himself the Superintendent, has hatched a diabolical plan to rid the world of custodian heroes once and for all.

    Finally convinced of the unprecedented threat to humanity, Phillip can no longer pretend that his family is safe. Actively hunted by evil government forces and dealing with a host of new and complicated relationship dynamics, Phillip must cut through the noise of his own self-doubt and join the fight to save the world one more time.

    ©2022 Jeremy Scott (P)2022 Tantor

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