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Opening the Heart of the Womb

De : Stephen Levine
Lu par : Stephen Levine
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    For over 20 years, Stephen and Ondrea Levine have supported thousands of people caught in the aftermath of grief and loss, including many women deeply hurt by sexual trauma. Now on Opening the Heart of the Womb, Stephen Levine addresses this hidden heartache, offering a gentle 3-part meditation that is so effective it made the original Womb Meditation tape an underground best seller by word of mouth alone. When a woman's "lower heart" or womb grows numb due to violation, miscarriage, abortion, or even PMS, her "upper heart" closes down too, leaving her entire emotional and spiritual life in shadow. There is no way to create the safety and nurturance that both hearts need to open once more, Stephen Levine teaches. By practicing this gentle and unique meditation, you can reawaken the joy you lost, and open up to love again. At last, here is a program created specifically to help women reclaim both body and spirit, shared by this trusted teacher and best selling author.
    ©1999 Stephen Levine (P)1999 Stephen Levine

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